The Application of Data Mining in Determining Timely Graduation Using the C45 Algorithm

Asro Pradipta(1*), Dedy Hartama(2), Anjar Wanto(3), Saifullah Saifullah(4), Jalaluddin Jalaluddin(5),

(1) STIKOM Tunas Bangsa
(2) STIKOM Tunas Bangsa
(3) STIKOM Tunas Bangsa
(4) STIKOM Tunas Bangsa
(5) STIKOM Tunas Bangsa
(*) Corresponding Author


Graduating on time is one element of higher education accreditation assessment. In the Strata 1 level, students are declared to graduate on time if they can complete their studies <= eight semesters or four years. BAN-PT sets a timely graduation standard of >= 50%. If the standard is not met, it will reduce the value of accreditation. These problems encourage the Universitas Simalungun Pematangsiantar to conduct evaluations and strategic steps in an effort to increase student graduation rates so that the targets of BAN-PT can be achieved. For this reason it is necessary to know in advance the pattern of students who tend not to graduate on time. In this study, C4.5 Algorithm is proposed to predict student graduation. This algorithm will process student profile datasets totaling 150 data. This dataset has a graduation status label. The value of the label is categorical, that is, right and late. The features or attributes used, namely the name of the student, gender, student status, GPA. The results of the C4.5 algorithm are in the form of a decision tree model that is very easy to analyze. In fact, even by ordinary people. This model will map the patterns of students who have the potential to graduate on time and late.

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