Comparison of Euclidean with Manhattan in K-Means Clustering for Grouping Palm Oil Production in the Province North Sumatra

S Solikhun(1*), Lise Pujiastuti(2),

(1) AMIK Tunas Bangsa
(2) STMIK Antar Bangsa
(*) Corresponding Author


North Sumatra is the largest palm oil-producing province in Indonesia. The region of North Sumatra has an extensive area of oil palm plantations compared to other provinces in Indonesia. To produce a good clustering of oil palm production using the K-Means Clustering method, it is necessary to compare several calculation methods to find the shortest distance in K-Means Clustering. This study focuses on comparing Euclidean Distance with Manhattan Distance on K-Means Clustering. To determine the best method of calculating the shortest distance, the researchers looked for the smallest Davies Bouldin Index (DBI). The smallest DBI value is at k=2 0.145. The result of grouping oil palm production in Sumatra province with k=2 is the high group being Asahan, Langkat and North Labuhanbatu regencies, while 30 other regencies/cities are in the low group

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