Analysis of Weight Product (WP) Algorithms in the best Go Car Driver Recommendations at PT. Maranatha Putri Bersaudara

Roni Kurniawan(1*), Agus Perdana Windarto(2), M Fauzan(3), Solikhun Solikhun(4), Irfan Sudahri Damanik(5),

(1) STIKOM Tunas Bangsa
(2) STIKOM Tunas Bangsa
(3) STIKOM Tunas Bangsa
(4) AMIK Tunas Bangsa
(5) STIKOM Tunas Bangsa
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to rank the best Go Car Driver. The problem arises because of the inaccuracy in giving value to the driver which results in the decision being given incorrectly so that the assessment tends to be subjective. This research was conducted at PT. Maranatha Putri Bersaudara. Sources of data obtained by observing, interviewing. The settlement method used is a decision support system with the Weight Producted method. The assessment criteria used are Performance (C1), Number of orders (C2), Rating (C3), Attitude (C4), Rating (C5) and Appearance (C6) where the alternatives used are 4 samples. The results obtained using the Weighted Product method are Alternative1 and Alternative4 which are recommended as the best go car driver with the assessment results of 0.0307 and 0.0272. It is expected that research results can be input to the relevant parties in recommending the best go car driver so as to minimize subjective judgment.

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